Management and Leadership Development Programme
High performing Registered Managers are critical to the success of Health and Social Care organisations Where organisations have their ‘better’ managers, they are likely have lower staff turnover, lower sickness levels, more engaged staff and better outcomes for those they provide services for. But, no matter how good a Registered Manager is, their performance will be
significantly improved with ongoing leadership and management training and support through coaching.
John Kennedy’s article in The Guardian on the 16th September 2016 'What makes a care home outstanding?' highlighted an outstanding Registered Manager as being one of the common factors in care homes for older people securing an Outstanding CQC rating.
Elevate MDP
Article’s ‘Elevate MDP™’ management development programme is aimed at Registered Managers and consists of 6 one-day workshops held over 6 month with up to 12 delegates for each programme. The design and format of the programme not only maximises learning, but delivers the change in Managers behaviour and performance that leads to sustained improvement in their performance.
Article’s ‘Elevate MDP™’ Management Development programme is offered to provider organisations and not open training programme.
The ‘Stages of Excellence’ Personal and Service Analysis – Pre Course Work
Before starting the Elevate MDP programme, each Manager is invited to complete Article’s ‘Stages of
Excellence Personal and Service Analysis’ survey. The survey identifies the areas where the Manager
and their service may need development to support the delivery of the organisation’s strategic and
business objectives.
The results of the survey are collated into a confidential and anonymised report for the organisation’s
senior managers to inform future strategic thinking and planning, as well as the continued personal
development needs of the Managers.
Programme Outline
Understanding Leadership
Understanding Leadership Continued
Developing and Leading High Performing Teams
Performance Management
Managing through Change
Engaging your staff / Programme Review
A senior member of staff; ideally at Director level, will be invited attend the start of Day 1 to introduce the programme to reinforce the organisation’s support of the programme and within the organisational context.
At the end of each workshop, delegates will be given a short piece of work to prepare for the following workshop. Days 2-6 of the programme start with a short Action Learning Set which supports and embeds changes in practice through shared learning and experience.
Elevate+ MDP
We know that one of the biggest challenges faced by staff after undertaking training is to put their learning into use. This can be particularly difficult for management level training when Managers return to their home or service after what can be a positive learning opportunity away from the working environment and are confronted by the day-to-day challenges.
The Elevate+ MDP programme offers, in addition to the 6 workshops, provides performance coaching for delegates between each workshop. Organisations have the choice of all delegates receiving one hour of 1:1 coaching on the telephone or via Skype, face-to-face or WebEx group coaching sessions, or perhaps only specific managers receiving coaching. The benefit of the coaching element of the programme is that it gives Manager the opportunity to work through any challenges they face in using and embedding the learning achieved throughout the Elevate MDP programme.
Programme Costs
The cost of each programme is discussed and agreed with each organisation.